*Written April 08

I love you. I am in love with you. The words tumble out - sliding off my tongue and landing harshly onto uncomfortable silence. I don't mean for these words to create fear or discomfort. The anxiety I've already gone through and the pain I've endured to adjust myself to this revelation could be enough for both.

I stand before you on a page, immortalised by just three words that will change how you and I go on in life together. Either we stand on separate platforms and catch a different train to one another OR we wait on this one together. Metaphorically speaking, I'm happy to wait for your train to arrive, if or when it arrives. A dream I have. Maybe forever a dream but one that I hope we can share together one day.

I am not asking for you to love me. I can't ask you to love me for it is only your heart that makes such a choice and you, alone, hold that. Instead I ask you if you can see a relationship developing between us where we can be equals? The present means nothing in comparison to what I will hold out for.

Nothing to give?

I'll catch this train. "Single please!"

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