^ Artist is a talented and beautiful painter callec Doug Hyde... check him out on www.doughyde.com/

London consists of a population of more than 7.7m people living in a considerably dense area and yet it has been referred to as one of the 'loneliest' places to live due to the disconnectivity of communities. There are strong communities and there are some that don't like to mix with others. There are also those individuals who don't recognise their demographic... do you know yours? I KNOW MINE. But I refuse to close the doors to others.

In fact....

                   ...I would love a more integrated society where people are brought together because you don't judge them**... Imagine a world where we selected friendships on character instead of aesthetics. Would marketing die? Would currency be void? Well in London,integration is even more difficult, probably because people have a cause and plan whilst there are in London and people 'network' for business reasons and go out to satisfy their animal instincts. There is a very blinkered and perhaps more selfish attitude in what 'needs to be achieved' whilst you're in this capital.

[**which is why I love Twitter and other social networking tools, and probably why Chat forums etc are perfect for meeting people, because it's a way of communicating without the initial prejudices that come with 'front cover' judgement**]

All considered, I pose to you my question. Do you know your neighbour?


Last night, amid the dramas that normally occur through my life - mainly because I'm so dramatic and probably magnetise myself to attract more! - neither of my flat mates were in and so I was left without keys, and without entrance to my own warm apartment.

THE DOOR OPENED - but it wasn't mine!

My next door neighbours, almost all of them, appeared at their door and invited me in unquestioningly and fully accepting of me. This was a nice surprise and a 10 minute wait in their kithen turned into almost an hour's discussion about, well, weather actually (retrospectively laughing  at our 10 minute babble on weather and subsequently our discussion as to why the English are so affected by our weather!). Then our conversation turned into everything around, social media and broadcasting and it turns out that my lovely next door neighbour is a Twit (of course I mean Twitter)... FABULOUS!

It is such a nice surprise for new relationships to be created by the willingness and openess of those who are responsive to it. As such I will now be getting to know my neighbours and exchanging more stories and I CAN'T WAIT. What a lovely mix of people...

11/18/2008 07:51:05 pm

That's what happens when you live in a big city; you almost become immune to all the people and you just screen them all out.

You begin to think of them as just 'crowds' or 'noise' rather than seeing them all as individuals with a wealth of opinions and opportunities.

Sad really, isn't it?

11/18/2008 08:04:13 pm

I totally agree. I'm so personable and love communicating - if you haven't already guessed. I'd like to set a challenge to people in the tube and see how far they can make a smile travel across the carriage.

It's such a small thing that can make a huge difference.

I always chat to random strangers. I even had an open debate about public displays of affection in gay couples at the back of 48 Bus one evening with a religious person and an open-minded Christian who embraced PDAs (Public displays of Affection!). was very interesting and I left that bus feeling a little liberated in having a chat with strangers.

London doesn't have to be Lonely!


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