Of course by 'sexship' i'm not referring to a floating capsule in which people engage in erotic pirate fantasies. I'm merely referring to a new word for a relationship based soley on sex - SEXSHIP. Get it?

I recently had a discussion with a dear friend of mine who said that for once he wasn't obsessed by the amount of sex he was getting with his new partner. He
quite subtley explained that the sex is fine but they're not 100% compatible in
the bedroom. However, he said it didn't matter because he wanted to make it work because his feelings for his new found partner was more important.

This made me think. If you're in a relationship where the feelings for each
other are mutual, do you try and work with each other to make the sex
satisfactory? Pertaining to my other rationalisation that if you're in a
situation where the sex is great but you're not sure how the other feels about
committing to a relationship, are you in a sex only relationship? Trying to make the relationship work because of the sex is surely pointless.

Personally i believe that good sex occurs with people you are attracted to but
great sex (sober) occurs with someone you emotionally and intellectually connect with. So, in my opinion, if you're trying to make the sex work with someone then there is more to your relationship than you might expect, it is a connection that transcends mere aesthetic pleasure. However, if you're struggling to work out whether someone likes you or not because you engage in good sex but feel emotionally disconnected and insecure with them, then it's a dead end.

My advice: Ensure you know what you want. Get what you need and don't make a relationship work because you are enjoying a very good intimate
relationship. Especially where men are concerned... We're very visual in our
sexual conversion so we can committ sexually but not necessarily emotionally. For example, women consider oral sex far more personal than the act of penetration - men on the other hand see it in reverse.

I recently contribruted to a discussion on something similar to this but discuss in more detail by @trudyys. Visit her at  http://www.psycinreallife.com/psychological-effects-of-sex/
Trudy really taps into what the implications of sex has on our psychological self. Have a read.

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