It was noticed that I hadn't been online for a while. My Blog was not updated and my Twesence (Twitter Presence) had dissipated to small comments here and there.

The press is highlighting the economic crisis and in London it counts for a large part of their daily discussions. With my very own job loss and career stump just prior to Christmas I decided to take the time to escape from the London let-down, the retail desperation and the countless audio soundbytes of the recession as you walk passed people, enter coffee shops and sit on the tube.

The media is doing to the recession what oxygen does to fire - it keeps it growing. The English, we panic. Shops close, we panic buy. Snow falls and we close roads, businesses and schools. It's part of our nature. Good or bad it doesn't matter but in times of absolute anarchy we must see that causing panic only provides an accelerant to the fire. We survived the Great Fire of London, why can't we see that this is the economic form. Don't fight the fire by throwing buckets of water on it in panic, it only drains other resources. Take a breath, survey the path of the fire and see where we can contain and control it - damage limitation. If we all did this instead of panicking we will find ourselves a stronger community and something that can overcome the fire itself. We have to restore faith in our economy, even by a little, and we'll see a way in which to put in longer-term fixes instead of resource draining 'plasters'!

I'm taking control of everything in my life at the moment: resolving my personal economic crisis; how I can help the bigger picture by thinking straight when those around lose their heads; believing in my own abilities to maintain positive and show the world that I'm still able to do whatever I want. Everybody can, so long as you keep that head clear of fear and embrace the scary with a crash-helmet and sword.

I've been absent to regain my focus, restore my family relations, spend some quality time with my beautiful 18 month old nephew, engage with an entirely different group of people and escape to a small town called Scarborough to slow myslef down.

However, the recharge means I now need to direct that energy... that is my next quest!

1/10/2009 10:24:17 pm

I find that sometimes, a change of scenery is some of the best medicine for the mind. I always feel refreshed and ready for challenges once i've got away from the scenery and people i see every day.

3/10/2011 02:02:09 pm

Nice Post. It’s really a very good article. I noticed all your important points. Thanks!


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