It has been reported by the popular that a pair of penguins, who notoriously become partners for life, were recently segregated by their zoo-keepers at Polar Land in China for replacing the eggs of other parents with stones. The penguins, who are reported to be a gay couple, have recently triumphed after activists (of the human kind) reported discrimination and asked for the gay couple to be allowed the same privileges. After providing the couple with eggs from another set of parents who were not doing such a 'cool' job, they were found to be excellent parents. 

This news provides a little light in todays world where there is violence and economic crisis everywhere. Perhaps it's because it's something I hold close to my own heart, but I happen to know gay parents who have done an absolutely great job at providing the child with as much 'normality' as can be given to a child growing up in a diverse and changing environment. 

You can see the penguin article in full at:

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