2008 is soon to be ending, merely weeks left of this year and it closes on another redundancy. Two redundancies, one year, zero regret.

This year has certainly been one of a career and personal development, a few truths revealed but more importantly an increase in professional strength. From lending money to testing software and then recruiting for the technology sector, I've experienced it all. I've learned a great deal about the powers that I posses and the weaknesses I can embrace with gratitude. You see, getting made redundant or leaving a job you're unsure about isn't a bad thing as long as you've been able to learn from it and take away from your experiences something that will transform you and your career into something bigger, better and more fulfilling. That is EXACTLY what I intend to do. 

So it's goodbye to mortgages, so long to software testing and Au Revior to recruitment... HOLA to a new me and a new career. I'm not sure what that is but there are lots of conversations to be had and lots of potential to be unleashed but it will hopefully be an opportunity for me to engage, enlighten and be creative. WOOHOOO..

Thanks to all of you who have provided kind words.

12/3/2008 06:57:16 pm

That's good to hear that you are making a change. I don't know what your situation is but i usually takes a lot of courage to make big changes in life so i respect you for that. I hope you find an occupation you really enjoy and make the most of.

I have been thinking a lot lately about jobs and how i am forced to do something a don't enjoy because of a lack of money. It's a little different for me because i am only a student and my job is not a full time one but the time i do spend there is not fulfilling at all...unfortunately i don't have the guts to take a risk by quitting my job, and finding another, as i am worried about the money.

Anyway, all the best with it, i hope you find your niche!

12/8/2008 09:43:20 pm

Good role model, Ian.

And Trudy, list the things in the job that you enjoy and that benefit the company , and do more of them!

That will ease the pain as you work out something better. If Dr Rao is right, the opportunities will emerge beause you accentuated the place where your deep gladness and the world's hunger meets.

7/26/2010 08:28:18 am

There is nothing quite as painful as wanting to quit your job but having nowhere else to go. Trudy, I commend you and your bravery.


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