I have something that really is more important than anything else. A family who loves me, colleagues who like me, a boyfriend who is simply amazing and yet i couldn't feel anymore lost. My selfish side wants more than this. He wants to feel that sense of ownership, creative output, strength, energy, space, recognition and fun - all achieved by himself. 

I am having a great time at the moment meeting lots of new people and engaging in conversations that differ from one minute to the next. Experiencing new sensations and surroundings. Working ethics are different and attitudes fluctuate , yet i'm falling lazy, uninspired and exhausted. My mind is slipping into an abyss of regularity and monotony, comfort and complacency, selfishness and restlessness. 

I know from retrospective analysis that i've become a little destructive and self-deprecating during these periods of misplaced energy. I understand that i become distant, unresponsive, arrogant and two-faced. Unable to confront conflictions and resolve problems properly because i become self-involved, lack confidence, and unsociable. I also develop apathy and l responses to real situations. Detached from empathy-expected reactions and positive pro-activity. I'm almost losing all of my positive characteristics to an unfulfilment of the creative kind. A professional amputation! Now, the only thing in my favour is that i've always been a chameleon. Able to change with environment and adapt well.  Also an amputation to a lizard's tail means a temporary set-back whilst it grows another one back. It may feel off-balance for a while but it means it survived and will live to see off another fight. At the moment i've, metaphorically speaking, had my tail cut off and i'm in hiding but i can feel that whilst my body rests and begins its reconstruction i'm going to show my true colours and prove to myself more than anyone that i can do what i want if i put my mind to it. For once it's going to be what i want, whether i fail or succeed i'm going to learn from it and be the best damn chameleon this world has ever seen.

I hate this feeling that i'm going through right now but we have to go through it if we're going on a path of self-discovery. Thank god i have the important things in place already. For that i'm thankful and need to stop being ungrateful. To my family and always supportive, beautiful boyfriend i thank you. You are the reason i exist and why i'll succeed. I promise to give all of your encouragement and love back when you need it. I'm always here.

7/19/2009 10:12:04 pm

Don't be hard on yourself

7/19/2009 11:01:53 pm

"In the middle of the road of my life, I awoke in a dark wood where the true way was wholly lost."

Dante Commedia

An ancient truth is that from time to time we feel horribly confused.

A contemporary secular truth is that in the absence of prayer, a gratitude diary works marvellously well.

And as poet David Whyte says (from whom I learned my Dante), I need to be like the swan - get off the land and back into my element. And I don't even have to fret about the distance between my and my element - I just have to set myself a direction and move towards it. That's all that is asked of us. Be attentive and grateful - so the swan enjoys the feeling grass beneath its feet but heads off to the water anyway.

7/20/2009 02:54:21 pm

To me, it sounds like you are letting your mind/thoughts get the better of you. Something I have learnt in the past 3 months is that if you take a moment to look around you and actually enjoy your physical surroundings, you will find the thoughts and negativity in your head will disappear.

For example, I have always been an analyser, in that i'm always trying to figure people out; what they are thinking, what they think of me and whether they will accept what i am saying. So I could be in conversation with someone but not paying full attention because I was literally present in my own thoughts. That's where it became repetitive and boring because I was letting my thoughts talk me out of saying or doing things. I was being too cautious because i let my thoughts control me. But recently I have met some really amazing people and been involved in some very fun activities and I have found myself actually enjoying and letting go of myself.

I have literally become more physically present with people and situations. Actually involving myself in the conversation and doing what I want to do rather than what I think other people will want me to do. I have found myself taking a moment to appreciate things I had missed in the past because of my self indulged thoughts. And as result, i have become a more sociable person and have met even more people through doing this.

Stop living in your thoughts/mind and start being physically present in life. It might just help!


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