FIRSTLY I do like the Americans, their beliefs, their way of life, their ethic (!), their stance on politics, their sense of community etc. I have dated a national and I've forged good friendships alike. There are a few things I dislike in general so why focus on the negative when there are many more positives...well it's simple - please stop your domination of my country.

I'm british. I'm proud of aspects of my country. We have our small issues with politics, which @dungekin highlights with our wonderfuly utilised, beautiful language ( We are polite, if not vague (just ask @jobucks - We have done our fairshare of domination and endured countless wars, but there is something more under threat about this country than anything else... our society and culture.

Our culture is one of generosity, allowing others to seek haven here when their country is committing genocide. We provide shelter, food and water for those in need and everybody here contributes to those who cannot work for whatever reason (whether we want to or not). Our culture is also one that enjoys community engagements and family commitments, parties and quiet dinners, bingo and brash comedy. We have a natural wit of sarcasm and great history of talented individuals in all forms of art and literature, music and film. We have carved out futures and destinations through what we learn from others and more importantly, remain in places to help other countries and cultures practice what we learned. This is great. This is England.

Now we sue for tripping over a banana peel, victims are prosecuted against criminals, reality TV shows replace talent shows, popularity contests are dressed up as the chance for the public to vote for a future talent of the music, theatre and TV world, instead of talent being the driver. Celebrities provide more influence than politicians and marketing is stronger than a belief. Our culture has been invades by the very things that ring true of Americanisms... celebrity obsessed and get every dollar we can for as little as possible.

Let's hold the line, stand our ground and say No! to this way of life. Burn your heat magazines, take up a hobby that encourages you to practice a skill that can be used and read more literature. If the topic of conversation is founded on what Robinson Crusoe exists to prove instead of whether Victoria Beckham's nose really is plastic we'll achieve two things: a) celebrities will exist to be at their best and be liked for their talent and b) we'll regain a culture that is educated, bold and brave, enthusiastic, creative, considerate, conscientious, humble and wise... Something I would love to see.

Maybe it's naivety and merely a dream, but Blogs allow us to draw on our education, reflect on our thoughts and concerns and provide the very tools that help us shape our futures by amplifying communication to people we perhaps wouldn't normally reach.

I AM BRITISH, I love people and I love language... It's why I write.

12/30/2008 11:35:04 pm

um yeah I have blog with the plan to write but um err yeah.. hope to write more soon


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