In a time where the English language is seemingly starting to deteriorate through the texting culture and communication applications limiting character length, I am starting to feel the consciousness of my diction and own verbal ability. It's true that I communicate better on paper (screen) through the simple fact that I have the ability to reflect on what I write and, more to the point, I don't have to concern myself with the accent/tone or speed of which the words all fall out.

I've always enjoyed conversing with people who have an excelent grasp of the English language and utilise an extensive vocabulary. That's not to say that I am one of those people, but being a passionate, poetic type I listen intently and fall in love with sentences that paint beautiful images worthy of the ceilings of heaven. The words find me and implant themselves into my mental back-catalogue, posed for future use.

I always found that people who communicate with such poetry tend to capture imagination and talk with a natural humour that has people listening and respecting, maybe loving. Just to state that I'm not saying that good communicators will be poetic - some of the best communicators are great because they make a point definitively and concisely and don't ramble with the preachings of an in-turmoil Shakespear. So, my job requires that I be a great communicator, which I have been commended for by peers and friends, and yet it seems the one criticism that is plaguing my ability to do my job well is my language. It has been coined as 'flowery' and 'poetic' and irrelevant. The suggestions I've received in order to help me out are phrases and structures that are obvious and simple, still engaging and informative, yet totally affective. And here I am, incapable of having it come out so it sounds natural. It's the strangest realisation I've had since waking up and realising that 'no, I don't control Tornadoes and there isn't a beach with half corpses of Sharks' (now that was a bizarre dream and a half).

I CAN'T COMMUNICATE SIMPLY. I can't make a point without digression. I can't talk without incorporating the birdsong of love or the humming of a dancing bee. What is wrong with me and how do I work on this?

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